How We Do It     Who We Are


On L.E.D.

Bring your vision to the big screen. Literally.

We design virtual production technology and stages for projects in need of L.E.D. walls or real-time rendering. Not only that- we have trained the best XR operators and 3D artists to adapt this technology specifically for filmmaking.

Our full-service capabilities in New York City allows for interactive digital environments to transport yourself anywhere in the world without having to say goodbye to the world’s best bagels.

On L.E.D. Production

Shoot your shot, scene, sizzle, spotlight, interview, and anything in between with In-Camera VFX. 

Transport your talent with fixed backgrounds or custom 3d environments to take your production to a whole new level. The Family is equipped with calibrated cameras, lenses, and spacial camera tracking technology in any location.

Our film crew trained on L.E.D. is available for full-service jobs or we can consult your own crew. 

Whatever you need to get the job done.

Content Packages

The future of product focused content creation is on L.E.D. 

Due to the high content demand of online marketing platforms, efficient content creation at scale is a must. Our footage shoot on L.E.D. is as close as you can get to the final video product. So for the first time, what you see in camera, is what you get in your videos. 

Any type of content, any number of deliverables. We can shoot and deliver sooner than you think.

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XR Virtual Production

The Family and the Extended Reality experts at Choreografx have collaborated to build virtual production stages fully equipped with camera tracking technology and real-time rendering capabilities. Our 3D team can build any environment to match the creative in your commercial, tv show, or film.

Powered by Unreal Engine, Disguise, Stype, nCam, Barco, Arri, and HP, the Family’s studio is tailored with cutting-edge technology to build the world your story will live in.

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How does all this work?

It’s complicated. But we learned all the technology so you don’t have to. We’re proud to have made the first independent virtual production stage in New York made by filmmakers and now we offer our expertise all around the world for people who want to work in virtual production, so feel free to ask us any questions.

What about your stage?

We built our first stages in Brooklyn, New York focusing on indie productions and training filmmakers. The LED stage was in a 2,000 square foot facility featuring 18' ceilings and a 16’ roll gate for easy vehicle access. This R&D stage proved that virtual production allows for a small footprint on-set. In 2 years we were able to use one roomw with an LED screen to film a docu-series, broadcast campaigns, social ads, music videos, and a feature film.

How much does it cost?

Pricing is dependent upon the demands of production. Luckily we’ve done it all so can talk you through pricing options. Our services vary from stage consultation to full-service LED production. Discounts are offered for multi-day / weekly contracts.

What is the best way to inquire?

Let’s discuss! Contact here. 

What can’t you do?

In this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes. But we encourage all our clients to send us references to precisely understand your desired end goal. From feature films to celebrity commercials, we have a reputation of being able to do the impossible. Email us. 

I am a nerd can you give me real specs?

Okay, calm down.  Most of our custom stage builds feature 2.3mm pixel pitch LED tiles. We have done most shows on a  50ft x 12ft LED wall, 2x rolling LED walls, a motorized LED ceiling all powered by a Disguise VX4 and RX Media Servers. This allows for real time rendering and DMX lighting control. This setup tends to be the most modular for a productions needs. Our hardware is always gen-locked and timecode synced.

Calibrated camera tracking by Stype Red Spy and/or NCam allow for Unreal Engine, Notch, Unity, or TouchDesigner integration. Our artists use the above plus Houdini, Maya, ZBrush, Blender, and Omniverse. Additionally motion capture and top secret AI tools are available upon request. 

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